Be concise.
Be useful.
All contributions dictatorially edited by webmasters to match personal tastes.
Please do not paste any copyright violating material.
Please try to avoid dependencies to third-party libraries and frameworks.
(def b (identical? x y))
(def b (= x y))
b = deeplyEqual(x, y));
b = x == y
b = x == y
const b = JSON.stringify(x) === JSON.stringify(y);
const arrayDeepEqual = (a, b) => a.length === b.length && a.every((x, i) => deepEqual(x, b[i]))
const deepEqual = (a, b) =>
Array.isArray(a) && Array.isArray(b)
? arrayDeepEqual(a, b)
: typeof a == 'object' && a && typeof b == 'object' && b
? arrayDeepEqual(Object.entries(a), Object.entries(b))
: Number.isNaN(a) && Number.isNaN(b) || a === b
const b = deepEqual(x, y)
$b = ($x == $y);
b = x == y
b = x == y
let b = x == y;
case class A(a: Int, b: Float, c: String)
val x = A(1,2.2f,"hello")
val y = A(1,2.2f,"hello")
b = x == y
(define b (equal? x y))