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Be useful.
All contributions dictatorially edited by webmasters to match personal tastes.
Please do not paste any copyright violating material.
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planet : constant String := "Earth";
const char *_planet = "Earth";
(def planet "Earth")
const string _planet = "Earth";
enum string planet = "Earth";
static immutable string planet = "Earth";
enum planet = "Earth";
immutable string planet = "Earth";
const string planet = "Earth";
const String _planet = "Earth";
planet = "Earth"
Planet = "Earth".
character(*), parameter :: planet = "Earth"
character(len=*), parameter :: planet = "Earth"
const planet = "Earth"
static final planet = "Earth"
static final planet = 'Earth'
static final planet = /Earth/
static final planet = '''Earth'''
static final planet = """Earth"""
planet = "Earth"
const planet = 'Earth'
final String planet = "Earth";
final String planet = "Earth";
static final String planet = "Earth";
val planet = "Earth"
(defparameter +planet+ "Earth")
PLANET = "Earth"
NSString * const Planet=@"Earth";
const PLANET = 'Earth';
define('PLANET', 'Earth');
planet = 'Earth';
use constant planet => 'Earth';
use constant PI => 3.14159;
use constant { RED => 1, BLUE => 2, GREEN => 3 };
PLANET = 'Earth'
Planet = 'Earth'
const PLANET: &str = "Earth";
val planet = "Earth"
planet := 'Earth'.
Const PLANET = "Earth"