Be concise.
Be useful.
All contributions dictatorially edited by webmasters to match personal tastes.
Please do not paste any copyright violating material.
Please try to avoid dependencies to third-party libraries and frameworks.
(def n (count mymap))
auto n = mymap.size();
n = mymap.Count;
const n = mymap.length;
var n = mymap.length;
n := len(mymap)
def n = mymap.size()
const n = mymap.size
int n = mymap.size();
local n=0
for _ in pairs(mymap) do n=n+1 end
$n = count($mymap);
my $n = keys %mymap;
n = len(mymap)
n = mymap.size
let n = mymap.len();
val n = mymap.size
n := mymap size.