Be concise.
Be useful.
All contributions dictatorially edited by webmasters to match personal tastes.
Please do not paste any copyright violating material.
Please try to avoid dependencies to third-party libraries and frameworks.
(def y
(eduction (filter P)
(map T))
constexpr auto transform_matches(const auto& x, auto p, auto t) {
auto result = x
| std::views::filter(p)
| std::views::transform(t);
std::vector<std::ranges::range_value_t<decltype(result)>> y;
std::copy(result.begin(), result.end(), std::back_inserter(y));
return y;
template <typename SeqT>
auto transform_copy_if(const SeqT i, auto p, auto f)
using namespace std;
SeqT o;
for_each(begin(i), end(i),
[&](const auto& x) {
return o;
var y = x.where(P).map(T).toList();
y = x
|> Enum.filter(&P/1)
y = pack (t(x), mask=p(x))
var y []Result
for _, e := range x {
if P(e) {
y = append(y, T(e))
def y = x.findAll(p).collect(t)
y = (map t . filter p) x
y = x.filter(e => P(e)).map(e => T(e))
(defvar y (mapcar #'T (remove-if-not p x)))
$y = array_map('T', array_filter($x, 'P'));
my @y = map { T($_) } grep { P($_) } @x;
y = [T(e) for e in x if P(e)]
y = list(map(T, filter(P, x)))
y = x.each_with_object([]){|e, ar| ar << t(e) if p(e)}
y = x.filter_map{|e| t(e) if p(e)}
let y = x.iter()
val y = x.collect { case e if P(e) => T(e) }
y := x
collect: [:ea | ea t]
thenSelect: [:ea | ea p].
y := x
select: [:ea | ea p]
thenCollect: [:ea | ea t].