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Be useful.
All contributions dictatorially edited by webmasters to match personal tastes.
Please do not paste any copyright violating material.
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(def t (clojure.string/replace s #"\s+" " "))
var t = s.replaceAll(RegExp(r"\s+"), " ");
singleSpace(Text) ->
singleSpace(0, Text).
singleSpace(_, []) -> [];
singleSpace(32, [32 | Rest]) ->
singleSpace(32, Rest);
singleSpace(32, [Ch | Rest]) ->
[Ch] ++ singleSpace(Ch, Rest);
singleSpace(Last, [Ch | Rest]) ->
[Ch] ++ singleSpace(Ch, Rest).
%%singleSpace("this is a text with multiple spaces").
def t = s.replaceAll(/\s+/, ' ')
t= unwords $ words s
let t = s.replaceAll(/ {2,}/g, '')
let t = s.replaceAll(/\s{2,}/g, '')
let t = s.replace(/\s+/g, ' ');
String t = s.replaceAll(" +", " ");
String t = s.replaceAll(" {2,}", " ");
String t = s.replaceAll("\\s+", " ");
(defun words (str)
(if (equalp str "") nil
(let ((p (position #\Space str )))
(cond ((null p) (list str))
((zerop p ) (words (subseq str 1)))
(T (cons (subseq str 0 p) (words (subseq str (+ 1 p )))))))))
(setf s " aa bbb cc1 ")
(let ((ws (words s )))
(setf t (car ws))
(dolist (w (cdr ws ))
(setf t (concatenate 'string t " " w ))))
(print t)
local t = s:gsub("%s+", " ")
$t = preg_replace('/\s+/', ' ', $s);
$t = $s;
do $t = str_replace(' ', ' ', $t, $count); while($count);
i, j: integer;
t,s: string;
whitespace = [#32,#13,#10,#9];
t := '';
j := 0;
setlength(t, length(s));
for i := 1 to length(s) do
if not ((s[i] in whitespace) and
((i < length(s)) and (s[i+1] in whitespace))) then
t[j] := s[i];
my $t = $s;
$t =~ s/\s+/ /g;
my $t = $s;
$t =~ s/ +/ /g;
t: str = " ".join(s.split())
t = s.squeeze(" ")