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Be useful.
All contributions dictatorially edited by webmasters to match personal tastes.
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(def i (read-string (str "2r" s)))
var i = int.parse(s, radix: 2);
character (len=:), allocatable :: s
integer :: i
s = '1101'
read (s,'(B4)') i
const i = parseInt(s, 2)
Integer i = Integer.valueOf(s, 2);
int i = s.chars()
.map(x -> x - '0')
.reduce(0, (a, b) -> a * 2 + b);
$i = bindec($s);
$i = oct('0b' . $s);
i = int(s, 2)
i = 0
for x in map(int, s):
i = i * 2 + x
i = s.to_i(2)
let i = i32::from_str_radix(s, 2).expect("Not a binary number!");