Be concise.
Be useful.
All contributions dictatorially edited by webmasters to match personal tastes.
Please do not paste any copyright violating material.
Please try to avoid dependencies to third-party libraries and frameworks.
var position = x.lastIndexOf(y).clamp(0, x.length);
var x2 = x.replaceFirst(y, z, position);
character(len=:), allocatable :: x, x2, y, z
k = index(x,y,back=.true.)
if (k > 0) then
x2 = x(1:k-1) // z // x(k+len(y):)
x2 = x
end if
String x2 = x;
int i = x.lastIndexOf(y);
if (i != -1) {
String t = x2.substring(0, i);
x2 = t + z + x2.substring(i + y.length());
StringBuilder x2 = new StringBuilder(x);
int i = x2.lastIndexOf(y);
x2.replace(i, i + y.length(), z);
$x = 'A BB CCC this DDD EEEE this FFF';
$y = 'this';
$z = 'that';
$x2 = $x;
$pos = rindex $x, $y;
substr($x2, $pos, length($y)) = $z
unless $pos == -1;
print $x2;
x2 = z.join(x.rsplit(y, 1))
x2 = x.gsub(/#{y}(?!.*#{y})/, z )