

Create the string t consisting of the 5 first characters of the string s.
Make sure that multibyte characters are properly handled.
New implementation

Be concise.

Be useful.

All contributions dictatorially edited by webmasters to match personal tastes.

Please do not paste any copyright violating material.

Please try to avoid dependencies to third-party libraries and frameworks.

Other implementations
T : String := S (1 .. 5);
(def t (apply str (take 5 s)))
PROGRAM-ID. prefix 5.
    MOVE s(1:5) TO t 	
auto t = s.substr(0, 5);
string t = s.Substring(0, 5);
string t = s[0..5];
var t = s.substring(0, 5);
t = String.slice(s, 0, 5)
[A, B, C, D, E | _] = S,
T = [A, B, C, D, E].
T = string:slice(S, 0, 5).
 character(len=5) :: t
 t = s(1:5)
t := s
r := []rune(s)
if len(r) > 5 {
	t = string(r[:5])
i := 0
count := 0
for i = range s {
	if count >= 5 {
t := s
if count >= 5 {
	t = s[:i]
def t = s.take(5)
def t = s[0..<5]
import qualified Data.Text as T
t :: T.Text
t = T.take 5 s
t :: String
t = take 5 s
let t = s.substring(0,5);
String t = s.substring(0,5);
val t = s.take(5)
(setf *t* (subseq s 0 5))
t = s:sub(1,5)
@import Foundation;
NSString *t=[s substringToIndex:5];
$t = mb_substr($s, 0, 5, 'UTF-8');
_t := Copy(_s, 1, 5);
my $t = substr($s,0,5);
t = s[:5]
t = s.slice(0, 5)
t = s.slice(0...5)
t = s[0, 5]
let t = s.char_indices().nth(5).map_or(s, |(i, _)| &s[..i]);
let t = s.chars().take(5).collect::<String>();
val t = s.take(5)
s first: 5