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console.log('Hello World')
"... The console object provides access to the debugging console".
There is also `info`, `warn`, `error`, `debug`, etc.
There is also `info`, `warn`, `error`, `debug`, etc.
Transcript cr; show: 'Hello World!'
The Transcript is a standard-output-like object in the Smalltalk environment.
FYI; In classic Smalltalk, message cr alone does not output line breaks (it requires followed by an endEntry message i.e. Transcirpt cr ; entEntry.), so there was a convention to output a line break firstly then output the text by using show: method in which includes the endEntry process. Hence the cr message is sending firstly in the idiom.
FYI; In classic Smalltalk, message cr alone does not output line breaks (it requires followed by an endEntry message i.e. Transcirpt cr ; entEntry.), so there was a convention to output a line break firstly then output the text by using show: method in which includes the endEntry process. Hence the cr message is sending firstly in the idiom.