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(defun infinite-loop (x)
(apply x (infinite-loop x)))
Not exactly the same as the original since that was in scheme and this is Common Lisp but it infinitely loops until the control stack is exhausted.
(do () (nil)
(write-line "Control-C to quit this infinite loop")
(sleep 1))
Kill the Lisp process to exit.
DO is the most general kind of loop, supporting local variables and complex iteration logic.
A common alternative is "(LOOP)", but you'll have to learn its non-Lispy syntax.
DO is the most general kind of loop, supporting local variables and complex iteration logic.
A common alternative is "(LOOP)", but you'll have to learn its non-Lispy syntax.
?- repeat, false.
% repeat/0 is built-in, but could be defined like this:
repeat :- repeat.
`repeat/0` succeeds an infinite number of times, and each time is immediately foiled by false/0. The default execution strategy just tries clauses in order from left to right so this induces an infinite loop.
repeat, write("hello\n").
This a bit strange, repeat is a predicate that will always succeed, that is always true.