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Idiom #124 Binary search for a value in sorted array
Write the function binarySearch which returns the index of an element having the value x in the sorted array a, or -1 if no such element exists.
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template<typename T>
int binarySearch(const std::vector<T> &a, const T &x)
if(a.size() == 0) return -1;
size_t lower = 0;
size_t upper = a.size() - 1;
while(lower <= upper)
auto mid = lower + (upper-lower) / 2;
if(x == a[mid])
return (int)mid;
else if(x > a[mid])
lower = mid + 1;
upper = mid - 1;
return -1;
Check for an empty vector up front, otherwise size() will return an unsigned 0, and subtracting 1 will be a big number!
long binarySearch(long[] a, long x) {
long result = a.assumeSorted.lowerBound(x).length;
if (result == a.length || a[result] != x)
return -1;
return result;
this function is already part of the library.
bsearch([], _) -> -1;
bsearch([H|_T], X) when X < H -> -1;
bsearch(List, X) ->
bsearch(List, X, 0, length(List)).
bsearch(_List, _X, First, Last) when Last < First -> -1;
bsearch(List, X, First, Last) ->
Middle = First + (Last - First) div 2,
Item = lists:nth(Middle, List),
case Item of
X -> Middle;
_Less when X < Item -> bsearch(List, X, First, Middle);
_More -> bsearch(List, X, Middle + 1, Last)
func binarySearch(a []T, x T) int {
imin, imax := 0, len(a)-1
for imin <= imax {
imid := imin + (imax-imin) / 2
switch {
case a[imid] == x:
return imid
case a[imid] < x:
imin = imid + 1
imax = imid - 1
return -1
Iterative algorithm.
It does not always return the smallest possible index.
You may implement this for any element type T that is ordered.
It does not always return the smallest possible index.
You may implement this for any element type T that is ordered.
func binarySearch(a []T, x T) int {
f := func(i int) bool { return a[i] >= x }
i := sort.Search(len(a), f)
if i < len(a) && a[i] == x {
return i
return -1
This uses the standard library generic-purpose sort.Search. Read the documentation carefully.
It returns the smallest matching index.
It returns the smallest matching index.
binSearch :: Ord a => a -> [a] -> Maybe Int
binSearch _ [] = Nothing
binSearch t l = let n = div (length l) 2
(a, m:b) = splitAt n l in
if t < m then binSearch t a
else if t > m then aux (binSearch t b)
else Just n where
aux :: Maybe Int -> Maybe Int
aux (Just x) = Just (x+n+1)
aux _ = Nothing
Haskell promotes using data structures rather than special values to indicate failures, so I have opted to use Maybe rather than return -1. aux serves to add Maybes together.
Ord is used to allow use of < and >.
t is the target to search for and l is the list.
Ord is used to allow use of < and >.
t is the target to search for and l is the list.
function binarySearch(a, x, i = 0) {
if (a.length === 0) return -1
const half = (a.length / 2) | 0
return (a[half] === x) ?
i + half :
(a[half] > x) ?
binarySearch(a.slice(0, half), x, i) :
binarySearch(a.slice(half + 1), x, half + i + 1)
x | 0 removes the bit of x after the decimal.
This would be easier if JavaScript had more builtins for list processing.
This would be easier if JavaScript had more builtins for list processing.
function binarySearch(array $a, $x)
$imin = 0;
$imax = count($a) - 1;
while ($imin <= $imax) {
$imid = (int)floor($imin + ($imax-$imin) / 2);
if ($a[$imid] === $x) {
return $imid;
if ($a[$imid] < $x) {
$imin = $imid + 1;
} else {
$imax = $imid - 1;
return -1;
function BinarySearch(X: Integer; A: Array of Integer): Integer;
L, R, I, Cur, answer: Integer;
isIt :boolean;
isIt := false;
answer := -1;
if Length(A) = 0 then Exit;
L := Low(A);
R := High(A);
while ((L <= R) AND (isIt = false)) do
I := L + ((R - L) div 2);
Cur := A[I];
if (X = Cur) then begin
answer := i; {cur;}
isIt := true;
if (X > Cur) then
L := I + 1
R := I - 1
BinarySearch := answer;
the index of the array is i;
Cur is the value of A[i]; but we
search the index i
Cur is the value of A[i]; but we
search the index i
function binarySearch (x: integer; a: array of integer): integer;
var L, R, M: integer; // left, right, middle
if Length(a)=0 then Exit(-1);
L := Low (a);
R := High(a);
while (L <= R) do begin
M := (L + R) div 2;
if (x = a[M]) then Exit(M); // found x in a
if (x > a[M])
then L := Succ(M)
else R := Pred(M);
Exit(-1) // did not found x in a
sub binary_search {
my ($x, $A, $lo, $hi) = @_;
$lo //= 0;
$hi //= @$A;
my $mid = int($lo + ($hi - $lo) / 2);
for ($x cmp $A->[$mid]) {
use experimental 'switch';
return $mid when 0;
return -1 if 1 == $hi - $lo;
return binary_search($x, $A, $lo, $mid) when -1;
return binary_search($x, $A, $mid, $hi) when 1;
# Some ordered arrays to search within.
@num_array = ( 100, 200, 300, 400, 500 );
@str_array = qw( Bach Beethoven Brahms Mozart );
# Find the lowest index of a matching element.
$index = binsearch {$a <=> $b} 300, @num_array;
$index = binsearch {$a cmp $b} 'Mozart', @str_array;
The perl CPAN library has a module for this. There are lots of tricky edge cases. Better to use a well tested public module than roll your own.
Also works on objects by providing an appropriate comparison function.
Also works on objects by providing an appropriate comparison function.
This only works if a is an array of signed integers.
Generally, a Result or Option would be more useful.
Generally, a Result or Option would be more useful.