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Idiom #259 Split on several separators

Build the list parts consisting of substrings of the input string s, separated by any of the characters ',' (comma), '-' (dash), '_' (underscore).

var parts = s.split( RegExp(r"[,-_]") );
using System.Text.RegularExpressions;
var parts = Regex.Split(s, "[,_-]");
var parts = s.Split(',', '-', '_');
import "regexp"
re := regexp.MustCompile("[,\\-_]")
parts := re.Split(s, -1)
var parts = s.split(/[-_,]/)
uses sysutils;
parts := s.split([',','_','-']);
my @parts = split(/[,\-_]/, $s);
import re
parts = re.split('[,_\-]', s)
parts = s.split( Regexp.union(",", "-", "_") )
let parts: Vec<_> = s.split(&[',', '-', '_'][..]).collect();

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