Assign to x the value 3^247
import java.math.BigInteger;
BigInteger x = new BigInteger("3", 10).pow(247);
using System.Numerics;
var x = BigInteger.Pow(3, 247);
import std.bigint;
BigInt x = BigInt(3); x ^^= 247;
import "dart:math";
var x = pow(3, 247);
x = :math.pow(3, 247)
import "math/big"
x := new(big.Int) x.Exp(big.NewInt(3), big.NewInt(247), nil)
x :: Integer x = 3^247
let x = 3n ** 247n;
(setf x (expt 3 247))
$x = gmp_pow(3, 247); echo gmp_strval($x);
uses ncalc;
var X: TValue; begin X := Exp(3, 247); end.
use bigint;
$x = 3 ** 247;
x = 3 ** 247
extern crate num; use num::bigint::ToBigInt;
let a = 3.to_bigint().unwrap(); let x = num::pow(a, 247);
(define x (expt 3 247))
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