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Idiom #205 Get an environment variable

Read an environment variable with the name "FOO" and assign it to the string variable foo. If it does not exist or if the system does not support environment variables, assign a value of "none".

  call get_environment_variable ("FOO", length=n, status=st)
  if (st /= 0) then
    foo = "none"
    allocate (character(len=n) :: foo)
    call get_environment_variable ("FOO", value=foo)
  end if 
with Ada.Environment_Variables;
Foo : constant String :=
      Ada.Environment_Variables.Value (Name    => "FOO",
                                       Default => "none");
#include <stdlib.h>
const char * foo = getenv("FOO");
if (foo == NULL) foo = "none";
(def foo
  (or (System/getenv "FOO") "none"))
#include <cstdlib>
#include <string>
const char* tmp = std::getenv("FOO");
std::string foo = tmp ? std::string(tmp) : "none";
string foo = Environment.GetEnvironmentVariable("FOO");
if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(foo)) foo = "none";
import std.process : environment;
string foo = environment.get("FOO", "none");
import 'dart:io';
var foo = Platform.environment["FOO"] ?? "none";
foo = System.get_env("FOO", "none")
Foo = os:getenv("FOO","none").
import "cmp"
import "os"
foo := cmp.Or(os.Getenv("FOO"), "none")
import "os"
foo := os.Getenv("FOO")
if foo == "" {
	foo = "none"
import "os"
foo, ok := os.LookupEnv("FOO")
if !ok {
	foo = "none"
def foo = System.getenv('FOO') ?: 'none'
import Control.Exception (IOException, catch)
import System.Environment (getEnv)
  foo <- catch (getEnv "FOO") (const $ pure "none" :: IOException -> IO String)
  -- do something with foo
const foo = process.env.FOO ?? 'none'
const foo = process.env["FOO"] || "none";
import static java.lang.System.getenv;
String foo;
try {
    foo = getenv("FOO");
    if (foo == null) throw new Exception();
} catch (Exception e) {
    foo = "none";
String foo = System.getenv("foo");
if (foo == null) {
	foo = "none";
val foo = System.getenv("FOO") ?: "none"
(require "asdf")
(defvar foo
(uiop:getenv "FOO")
"The contents of environment variable FOO.")
foo = os.getenv("FOO") or "none"
$foo = getenv("FOO") ?: "none";
uses sysutils;
  foo: string;
  foo := GetEnvironmentVariable('FOO');
  if (foo = '') then foo := 'none';
use 5.010;
my $foo = $ENV{FOO} // 'none';
import os
foo = os.environ.get('FOO', 'none')
from os import getenv
foo = getenv('FOO', 'none')
import os
    foo = os.environ['FOO']
except KeyError:
    foo = "none"
foo = ENV["FOO"]
use std::env;
let foo = match env::var("FOO") {
    Ok(val) => val,
    Err(_e) => "none".to_string(),
use std::env;
if let Ok(tnt_root) = env::var("TNT_ROOT") {
use std::env;
let foo = env::var("FOO").unwrap_or("none".to_string());
use std::env;
let foo = match env::var("FOO") {
    Ok(val) => val,
    Err(_e) => "none".to_string(),
val foo = sys.env.getOrElse("FOO", "none")
| foo |
foo := CEnvironment getUserEnvironment at: 'FOO' ifAbsent: [ 'none' ].
foo = IIf(Environ("FOO") = "", "none", Environ("FOO"))
imports System
Dim _foo as String
	foo = Environment.GetEnvironmentVariable("FOO")
Catch ex as Exception
	foo = "none"
End Try

New implementation...
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