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Idiom #97 Check string suffix

Set boolean b to true if string s ends with string suffix, false otherwise.

Are the last characters of s equal to this suffix?
b = s.endsWith(suffix)
(require '[clojure.string :as str])
(let [b (str/ends-with? s suffix)]
   ; ...  
return suffix.size() == s.size() - s.rfind(suffix);
#include <string>
bool b = s.ends_with(suffix);
var _b = _s.EndsWith(_suffix);
bool b = s.EndsWith(suffix);
import std.algorithm.searching;
b = s.endsWith(suffix);
var b = s.endsWith(suffix);
b = String.ends_with?(s, suffix)
  b = (s(len(s)-len(suffix)+1:) == suffix)
import "strings"
b := strings.HasSuffix(s, suffix)
final b = s.endsWith(suffix)
import Data.Text
b = isSuffixOf suffix s
var b = s.endsWith(suffix);
boolean b = s.endsWith(suffix);

(defun check-suffix (str suf )
  (if (> (length suf) (length str )) nil (equalp (subseq str (- (length str) (length suf)) (length str )) suf )))

(setf b (check-suffix s suffix))
b = s:sub(-string.len(suffix)) == suffix
$b = (bool)preg_match("/{$suffix}$/", $s);
uses strutils;
b := AnsiEndsStr(suffix, s);
$b = $suffix eq substr($s, -length($suffix));
b = s.endswith(suffix)
b = s.end_with?(suffix)
let b = s.ends_with(suffix);
val b = s.endsWith(suffix)

New implementation...
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