Assign to string s the hexadecimal representation (base 16) of integer x.E.g. 999 -> "3e7"
s = Integer.to_string(x, 16)
char s[32]; snprintf(s, sizeof(s), "%x", i);
template <typename I> std::string n2hexstr(I w, size_t hex_len = sizeof(I)<<1) { static const char* digits = "0123456789ABCDEF"; std::string str(hex_len, '-'); for (size_t i=0, j=(hex_len-1)*4 ; i<hex_len; ++i,j-=4) str[i] = digits[(w>>j) & 0x0f]; return str; }
#include <sstream>
std::ostringstream stream; stream << std::hex << x; s = stream.str();
String s = x.ToString("x")
import std.format;
s = format("%x", x);
import std.conv;
s = to!string(x, 16);
var s = x.toRadixString(16);
S = io_lib:fwrite("~.16B",[X]).
write (*,'(Z8.8)') x
import "strconv"
s := strconv.FormatInt(x, 16)
import "fmt" import "math/big"
s := fmt.Sprintf("%x", x)
import Text.Printf (printf)
s :: String s = printf "%x" 999
const s = x.toString(16)
String s = "%x".formatted(x);
String s = Integer.toHexString(x);
import java.util.HexFormat;
String s = HexFormat.of().toHexDigits(x);
(setf s (format nil "~X" x))
s = string.format("%x",x)
$s = dechex($x);
S := Format("%x", [x]);
uses sysutils;
s := IntToHex(x);
my $s = sprintf("%x", $i);
s = hex(x)
s = format(x, 'x')
s = '%x' % x
s = x.to_s(16)
let s = format!("{:X}", x);
val s = x.toString(16)
No security, no password. Other people might choose the same nickname.