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Print a literal string on standard output
Transcript cr; show: 'Hello World!'
Loop to execute some code a constant number of times
10 timesRepeat: [Transcript showln: 'Hello'].
Like a function which doesn't return any value, thus has only side effects (e.g. Print to standard output)

   self doSomething.
   [Transcript showln: 'something'] value.

Create a function which returns the square of an integer
[:anInteger | anInteger squared]
Declare a container type for two floating-point numbers x and y
Object subclass: #Point
	instanceVariableNames: 'x y'
	classVariableNames: ''
	poolDictionaries: ''
	category: 'Graphics-Primitives'
Do something with each item x of the list (or array) items, regardless indexes.
items do: [:x | x doSomething]
Print each index i with its value x from an array-like collection items
items withIndexDo: [:item :index |
  Transcript showln: 'item: ' , item asString , ' index: ' , index asString].
Create a new map object x, and provide some (key, value) pairs as initial content.
x := Dictionary newFrom: {
	#a -> 1.
	#b -> Object new}.
The structure must be recursive because left child and right child are binary trees too. A node has access to children nodes, but not to its parent.
Object subclass: #TreeNode 
    instanceVariableNames: 'left right'
    classVariableNames: ''
    poolDictionaries: ''
    category: 'Trees'.
Generate a random permutation of the elements of list x
x shuffled.
The list x must be non-empty.
x atRandom
Check if the list contains the value x.
list is an iterable finite container.
list includes: x.
Access each key k with its value x from an associative array mymap, and print them.
mymap keysAndValuesDo: [ :k :x |
	Transcript cr;
		show: 'Key = ', k printString;
		show: ', Value = ', x printString]
Pick a random number greater than or equals to a, strictly inferior to b. Precondition : a < b.
| rand |
rand := Random new.
rand next * (b - a) + a
Pick a random integer greater than or equals to a, inferior or equals to b. Precondition : a < b.
(a to: b) atRandom
Reverse the order of the elements of the list x.
This may reverse "in-place" and destroy the original ordering.
X reversed.
Swap the values of the variables a and b
[| temp | temp := a. a := b. b := temp] value
Extract the integer value i from its string representation s (in radix 10)
i := s asInteger.
Declare and initialize a matrix x having m rows and n columns, containing real numbers.
x := Matrix	
    rows: m
    columns: n
    element: 1.0
Sort the elements of the list (or array-like collection) items in ascending order of x.p, where p is a field of the type Item of the objects in items.
items sorted: [:x :y | x p <= y p].
Remove i-th item from list items.
This will alter the original list or return a new list, depending on which is more idiomatic.
Note that in most languages, the smallest valid value for i is 0.
items removeAt: i.
Create the recursive function f which returns the factorial of the non-negative integer i, calculated from f(i-1)
f := [:i | i = 0 ifTrue: [1] ifFalse: [i * (f value: i - 1)]].
Create function exp which calculates (fast) the value x power n.
x and n are non-negative integers.
exp: n
	n = 0 ifTrue: [^ 1].
	n = 1 ifTrue: [^ self].
	n%2 = 0 ifTrue: [^ self * self exp: n/2].
	^ self * (self * self exp: n-1/2)
Find substring t consisting in characters i (included) to j (excluded) of string s.
Character indices start at 0 unless specified otherwise.
Make sure that multibyte characters are properly handled.
t := s copyFrom: i to: j - 1.
Set the boolean ok to true if the string word is contained in string s as a substring, or to false otherwise.
ok := s includesSubstring: word.
Create the string t containing the same characters as the string s, in reverse order.
The original string s must remain unaltered. Each character must be handled correctly regardless its number of bytes in memory.
t := s reversed.
Look for a negative value v in 2D integer matrix m. Print it and stop searching.
| negativeValue |
negativeValue := [ :matrix || ctx |
    ctx := thisContext sender.
    matrix do: [ :row |
        row do: [ :value |
            (value < 0) ifTrue: [ ctx resumeWith: value ].
] value: m. "ex. m := #((1 2 -1 3))"
Transcript show: negativeValue; cr.
Sleep for 5 seconds in current thread, before proceeding with the next instructions.
5 seconds wait.
Create the string t consisting of the 5 first characters of the string s.
Make sure that multibyte characters are properly handled.
s first: 5
Create string t consisting in the 5 last characters of string s.
Make sure that multibyte characters are properly handled.
s last: 5
Assign to variable s a string literal consisting in several lines of text, including newlines.
s := 'Will this compile?
Oh yes, it will!'.
Build list chunks consisting in substrings of the string s, separated by one or more space characters.
chunks := s substrings
Write a loop that has no end clause.
[] repeat.
Determine whether the map m contains an entry for the key k
m includesKey: k.
Determine whether the map m contains an entry with the value v, for some key.
m includes: v.
Concatenate elements of string list x joined by the separator ", " to create a single string y.
y := x joinSeparatedBy: ', '.
Alternative implementation:
', ' join: #('abc' 'def' 'ghi')
Calculate the sum s of the integer list or array x.
s := x sum.
Create the string representation s (in radix 10) of the integer value i.
s := i asString.
Create the list y containing the items from the list x that satisfy the predicate p. Respect the original ordering. Don't modify x in-place.
y := x select: [:item | item p].
Create the string lines from the content of the file with filename f.
| lines |
lines := f asFilename readStream upToEnd.
Print the message "x is negative" to standard error (stderr), with integer x value substitution (e.g. "-2 is negative").
  nextPutAll: x asString;
  nextPutAll: ' is negative';
  nextPut: Character cr.
Calculate the result z of x power n, where x is a big integer and n is a positive integer.
z := x raisedTo: n.
Alternative implementation:
z := x ** n.
Basic implementation of the Echo program: Print all arguments except the program name, separated by space, followed by newline.
The idiom demonstrates how to skip the first argument if necessary, concatenate arguments as strings, append newline and print it to stdout.
| args arg sep |
args := CEnvironment commandLine readStream.
args next.    " skip executable name "
sep := [args peek isNil not ifTrue: [' '] ifFalse: ['']].
[ (arg := args next) isNil ] whileFalse: [
    Transcript show: arg; show: (sep value).
Transcript cr. " cr -> carriage return; ie. newline "
Execute a block once, then execute it again as long as boolean condition c is true.
    " do something "
] whileTrue: [].
Set the boolean b to true if string s starts with prefix prefix, false otherwise.
b := s beginsWith: prefix
Assign to the string x the value of the fields (year, month, day) of the date d, in format YYYY-MM-DD.
x := d yyyymmdd.
Sort elements of array-like collection items, using a comparator c.
| c |
c := [ :a :b | a size <= b size ].  " example c for strings "
#('a' 'aaa' 'a' 'aaaa') asSortedCollection: c.
" => SortedCollection('a' 'a' 'aaa' 'aaaa') "
Set the boolean blank to true if the string s is empty, or null, or contains only whitespace ; false otherwise.
blank := s isAllSeparators.
Set n to the number of elements of the list x.
n := x size.
Create the set y from the list x.
x may contain duplicates. y is unordered and has no repeated values.
y := x asSet
Remove duplicates from the list x.
Explain if the original order is preserved.
x asSet.
Alternative implementation:
x intersection: x asSet.
Execute f1 if condition c1 is true, or else f2 if condition c2 is true, or else f3 if condition c3 is true.
Don't evaluate a condition when a previous condition was true.
true caseOf: {
  [c1] -> [f1].
  [c2] -> [f2].
  [c3] -> [f3]}
Declare and initialize a new list items, containing 3 elements a, b, c.
items := {a . b . c}.
Remove all occurrences of the value x from list items.
This will alter the original list or return a new list, depending on which is more idiomatic.
items reject: [: y | y = x ]
Set the boolean b to true if the string s contains only characters in the range '0'..'9', false otherwise.
b := s allSatisfy: #isDigit
Iterate alternatively over the elements of the lists items1 and items2. For each iteration, print the element.

Explain what happens if items1 and items2 have different size.
items1 with: items2 do: [:item1 :item2 |
	showln: item1;
	showln: item2].
Alternative implementation:
stream1 := items1 readStream.
stream2 := items2 readStream.
[stream1 atEnd ifFalse: [Transcript showln: stream1 next].
 stream2 atEnd ifFalse: [Transcript showln: stream2 next]]
	doWhileFalse: [stream1 atEnd or: [stream2 atEnd]].
Create string t from string s, keeping only ASCII characters
t := s select: [:character | character isAscii].
Create the string t as the concatenation of the string s and the integer i.
t := s, i asString.
Initialize a constant planet with string value "Earth".
planet := 'Earth'.
Create a new list y from randomly picking exactly k elements from list x.

It is assumed that x has at least k elements.
Each element must have same probability to be picked.
Each element from x must be picked at most once.
Explain if the original ordering is preserved or not.
y := x shuffled first: k.
Print all the list elements, two by two, assuming list length is even.
list pairsDo: [:a :b |
  Transcript showln: 'a: ' , a , ' b: ' , b].
Assign to the variable x the last element of the list items.
x := items last.
Create the list ab containing all the elements of the list a, followed by all the elements of the list b.
ab := a,b
Assign to the integer n the number of characters of the string s.
Make sure that multibyte characters are properly handled.
n can be different from the number of bytes of s.
n := s size.
Set n to the number of elements stored in mymap.

This is not always equal to the map capacity.
n := mymap size.
Insert value v for key k in map m.
m at: k put: v.
Return the center c of the rectangle with coördinates(x1,y1,x2,y2)
c := (x1@y1 corner: x1@y2) center.
Assign to t a string representing the day, month and year of the day after the current date.
t := Date tomorrow asString.
Schedule the execution of f(42) in 30 seconds.
(f future: 30 "seconds" * 1000) value: 42.
Produce a new list y containing the result of the function T applied to all elements e of the list x that match the predicate P.
y := x 
  select: [:ea | ea p]
  thenCollect: [:ea | ea t].

Alternative implementation:
y := x 
  collect: [:ea | ea t]
  thenSelect: [:ea | ea p].
Calculate n, the Euclidean norm of data, where data is a list of floating point values.
data := #( 5 4 3 2 1 ).
n := data squared sum sqrt.
Read an environment variable with the name "FOO" and assign it to the string variable foo. If it does not exist or if the system does not support environment variables, assign a value of "none".
| foo |
foo := CEnvironment getUserEnvironment at: 'FOO' ifAbsent: [ 'none' ].
Print the numbers 5, 4, ..., 0 (included), one line per number.
5 to: 0 by: -1 do: [:i | Transcript showln: i asString].
Fizz buzz is a children's counting game, and a trivial programming task used to affirm that a programmer knows the basics of a language: loops, conditions and I/O.

The typical fizz buzz game is to count from 1 to 100, saying each number in turn. When the number is divisible by 3, instead say "Fizz". When the number is divisible by 5, instead say "Buzz". When the number is divisible by both 3 and 5, say "FizzBuzz"
1 to: 100 do: 
	[:ea | (ea isDivisibleBy: 15)
		ifTrue: [Transcript showln: 'FizzBuzz']
		ifFalse: [(ea isDivisibleBy: 5)
				ifTrue: [Transcript showln: 'Buzz']
				ifFalse: [(ea isDivisibleBy: 3)
						ifTrue: [Transcript showln: 'Fizz']
						ifFalse: [Transcript showln: ea]]]].
Preallocate memory in the list x for a minimum total capacity of 200 elements.

This is not possible in all languages. It is only meant as a performance optimization, should not change the length of x, and should not have any effect on correctness.
x := Array new: 200.
"#(nil nil nil nil nil ...)"