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1 |
Print a literal string on standard output
2 |
Loop to execute some code a constant number of times
3 |
Like a function which doesn't return any value, thus has only side effects (e.g. Print to standard output)
4 |
Create a function which returns the square of an integer
5 |
Declare a container type for two floating-point numbers x and y
6 |
Do something with each item x of the list (or array) items, regardless indexes.
7 |
Print each index i with its value x from an array-like collection items
Alternative implementation:
Alternative implementation:
8 |
Create a new map object x, and provide some (key, value) pairs as initial content.
Alternative implementation:
9 |
The structure must be recursive because left child and right child are binary trees too. A node has access to children nodes, but not to its parent.
10 |
Generate a random permutation of the elements of list x
11 |
The list x must be non-empty.
12 |
Check if the list contains the value x.
list is an iterable finite container. |
13 |
Access each key k with its value x from an associative array mymap, and print them.
Alternative implementation:
Alternative implementation:
14 |
Pick a random number greater than or equals to a, strictly inferior to b. Precondition : a < b.
15 |
Pick a random integer greater than or equals to a, inferior or equals to b. Precondition : a < b.
17 |
The structure must be recursive. A node may have zero or more children. A node has access to its children nodes, but not to its parent.
18 |
Call a function f on every node of a tree, in depth-first prefix order
19 |
Reverse the order of the elements of the list x.
This may reverse "in-place" and destroy the original ordering. |
20 |
Implement a function search which looks for item x in a 2D matrix m.
Return indices i, j of the matching cell. Think of the most idiomatic way in the language to return the two values at the same time. |
21 |
Swap the values of the variables a and b
22 |
Extract the integer value i from its string representation s (in radix 10)
Alternative implementation:
23 |
Given a real number x, create its string representation s with 2 decimal digits following the dot.
Alternative implementation:
24 |
Declare a new string s and initialize it with the literal value "ネコ" (which means "cat" in japanese)
25 |
Share the string value "Alan" with an existing running process which will then display "Hello, Alan"
26 |
Declare and initialize a matrix x having m rows and n columns, containing real numbers.
27 |
Declare and initialize a 3D array x, having dimensions boundaries m, n, p, and containing real numbers.
28 |
Sort the elements of the list (or array-like collection) items in ascending order of x.p, where p is a field of the type Item of the objects in items.
Alternative implementation:
29 |
Remove i-th item from list items.
This will alter the original list or return a new list, depending on which is more idiomatic. Note that in most languages, the smallest valid value for i is 0. |
30 |
Launch the concurrent execution of the procedure f with parameter i from 1 to 1000.
Tasks are independent and f(i) doesn't return any value. Tasks need not run all at the same time, so you may use a pool. |
31 |
Create the recursive function f which returns the factorial of the non-negative integer i, calculated from f(i-1)
32 |
Create function exp which calculates (fast) the value x power n.
x and n are non-negative integers. |
33 |
Assign to the variable x the new value f(x), making sure that no other thread may modify x between the read and the write.
34 |
Declare and initialize a set x containing unique objects of type T.
35 |
Implement a function compose (A -> C) with parameters f (A -> B) and g (B -> C), which returns the composition function g ∘ f
36 |
Implement a function compose which returns composition function g ∘ f for any functions f and g having exactly 1 parameter.
37 |
Transform a function that takes multiple arguments into a function for which some of the arguments are preset.
Alternative implementation:
38 |
Find substring t consisting in characters i (included) to j (excluded) of string s.
Character indices start at 0 unless specified otherwise. Make sure that multibyte characters are properly handled. |
39 |
Set the boolean ok to true if the string word is contained in string s as a substring, or to false otherwise.
42 |
Print each item v of list a which is not contained in list b.
For this, write an outer loop to iterate on a and an inner loop to iterate on b. |
43 |
Look for a negative value v in 2D integer matrix m. Print it and stop searching.
44 |
Insert the element x at position i in the list s. Further elements must be shifted to the right.
45 |
Sleep for 5 seconds in current thread, before proceeding with the next instructions.
46 |
Create the string t consisting of the 5 first characters of the string s.
Make sure that multibyte characters are properly handled. |
47 |
Create string t consisting in the 5 last characters of string s.
Make sure that multibyte characters are properly handled. |
48 |
Assign to variable s a string literal consisting in several lines of text, including newlines.
49 |
Build list chunks consisting in substrings of the string s, separated by one or more space characters.
50 |
Write a loop that has no end clause.
51 |
Determine whether the map m contains an entry for the key k
52 |
Determine whether the map m contains an entry with the value v, for some key.
53 |
Concatenate elements of string list x joined by the separator ", " to create a single string y.
54 |
Calculate the sum s of the integer list or array x.
55 |
Create the string representation s (in radix 10) of the integer value i.
56 |
Fork-join : launch the concurrent execution of procedure f with parameter i from 1 to 1000.
Tasks are independent and f(i) doesn't return any value. Tasks need not run all at the same time, so you may use a pool. Wait for the completion of the 1000 tasks and then print "Finished". |
57 |
Create the list y containing the items from the list x that satisfy the predicate p. Respect the original ordering. Don't modify x in-place.
58 |
Create the string lines from the content of the file with filename f.
59 |
Print the message "x is negative" to standard error (stderr), with integer x value substitution (e.g. "-2 is negative").
60 |
Assign to x the string value of the first command line parameter, after the program name.
61 |
Assign to the variable d the current date/time value, in the most standard type.
62 |
Set i to the first position of string y inside string x, if exists.
Specify if i should be regarded as a character index or as a byte index. Explain the behavior when y is not contained in x. |
63 |
Assign to x2 the value of string x with all occurrences of y replaced by z.
Assume occurrences of y are not overlapping. |
Alternative implementation:
65 |
From the real value x in [0,1], create its percentage string representation s with one digit after decimal point. E.g. 0.15625 -> "15.6%"
68 |
Create an object x to store n bits (n being potentially large).
69 |
Use seed s to initialize a random generator.
If s is constant, the generator output will be the same each time the program runs. If s is based on the current value of the system clock, the generator output will be different each time. |
71 |
Basic implementation of the Echo program: Print all arguments except the program name, separated by space, followed by newline.
The idiom demonstrates how to skip the first argument if necessary, concatenate arguments as strings, append newline and print it to stdout. |
73 |
Create a factory named fact for any sub class of Parent and taking exactly one string str as constructor parameter.
74 |
Compute the greatest common divisor x of big integers a and b. Use an integer type able to handle huge numbers.
75 |
Compute the least common multiple x of big integers a and b. Use an integer type able to handle huge numbers.
76 |
Create the string s of integer x written in base 2.
E.g. 13 -> "1101" |
Alternative implementation:
77 |
Declare a complex x and initialize it with value (3i - 2). Then multiply it by i.
78 |
Execute a block once, then execute it again as long as boolean condition c is true.
79 |
Declare the floating point number y and initialize it with the value of the integer x .
80 |
Declare integer y and initialize it with the value of floating point number x . Ignore non-integer digits of x .
Make sure to truncate towards zero: a negative x must yield the closest greater integer (not lesser). |
81 |
Declare the integer y and initialize it with the rounded value of the floating point number x .
Ties (when the fractional part of x is exactly .5) must be rounded up (to positive infinity). |
83 |
Declare the regular expression r matching the strings "http", "htttp", "httttp", etc.
84 |
Count number c of 1s in the integer i in base 2.
E.g. i=6 → c=2 |
85 |
Write boolean function addingWillOverflow which takes two integers x, y and return true if (x+y) overflows.
An overflow may be above the max positive value, or below the min negative value. |
87 |
Exit immediately.
If some extra cleanup work is executed by the program runtime (not by the OS itself), describe it. |
88 |
Create a new bytes buffer buf of size 1,000,000.
89 |
You've detected that the integer value of argument x passed to the current function is invalid. Write the idiomatic way to abort the function execution and signal the problem.
90 |
Expose a read-only integer x to the outside world while being writable inside a structure or a class Foo.
93 |
Implement the procedure control which receives one parameter f, and runs f.
94 |
Print the name of the type of x. Explain if it is a static type or dynamic type.
This may not make sense in all languages. |
95 |
Assign to variable x the length (number of bytes) of the local file at path.
96 |
Set the boolean b to true if string s starts with prefix prefix, false otherwise.
Alternative implementation:
97 |
Set boolean b to true if string s ends with string suffix, false otherwise.
98 |
Convert a timestamp ts (number of seconds in epoch-time) to a date with time d. E.g. 0 -> 1970-01-01 00:00:00
99 |
Assign to the string x the value of the fields (year, month, day) of the date d, in format YYYY-MM-DD.
100 |
Sort elements of array-like collection items, using a comparator c.
105 |
106 |
Assign to string dir the path of the working directory.
(This is not necessarily the folder containing the executable itself) |
109 |
Set n to the number of bytes of a variable t (of type T).
110 |
Set the boolean blank to true if the string s is empty, or null, or contains only whitespace ; false otherwise.
112 |
Print each key k with its value x from an associative array mymap, in ascending order of k.
Alternative implementation:
113 |
Print each key k with its value x from an associative array mymap, in ascending order of x.
Multiple entries may exist for the same value x. |
117 |
Set n to the number of elements of the list x.
118 |
Create the set y from the list x.
x may contain duplicates. y is unordered and has no repeated values. |
119 |
Remove duplicates from the list x.
Explain if the original order is preserved. |
Alternative implementation:
120 |
Read an integer value from the standard input into the variable n
122 |
Create an enumerated type Suit with 4 possible values SPADES, HEARTS, DIAMONDS, CLUBS.
123 |
Verify that predicate isConsistent returns true, otherwise report assertion violation.
Explain if the assertion is executed even in production environment or not. |
124 |
Write the function binarySearch which returns the index of an element having the value x in the sorted array a, or -1 if no such element exists.
125 |
measure the duration t, in nanoseconds, of a call to the function foo. Print this duration.
126 |
Write a function foo that returns a string and a boolean value.
127 |
Import the source code for the function foo body from a file "foobody.txt".
128 |
Call a function f on every node of a tree, in breadth-first prefix order
130 |
Call th function f on every vertex accessible from the vertex v, in depth-first prefix order
131 |
Execute f1 if condition c1 is true, or else f2 if condition c2 is true, or else f3 if condition c3 is true.
Don't evaluate a condition when a previous condition was true. |
132 |
Run the procedure f, and return the duration of the execution of f.
Alternative implementation:
133 |
Set boolean ok to true if string word is contained in string s as a substring, even if the case doesn't match, or to false otherwise.
134 |
Declare and initialize a new list items, containing 3 elements a, b, c.
135 |
Remove at most 1 item from list items, having the value x.
This will alter the original list or return a new list, depending on which is more idiomatic. If there are several occurrences of x in items, remove only one of them. If x is absent, keep items unchanged. |
136 |
Remove all occurrences of the value x from list items.
This will alter the original list or return a new list, depending on which is more idiomatic. |
137 |
Set the boolean b to true if the string s contains only characters in the range '0'..'9', false otherwise.
140 |
Delete from map m the entry having key k.
Explain what happens if k is not an existing key in m. |
141 |
Iterate in sequence over the elements of the list items1 then items2. For each iteration print the element.
142 |
Assign to string s the hexadecimal representation (base 16) of integer x.
E.g. 999 -> "3e7" |
Alternative implementation:
144 |
Set boolean b to true if file at path fp exists on filesystem; false otherwise.
Beware that you should not do this and then in the next instruction assume the result is still valid, this is a race condition on any multitasking OS. |
146 |
Extract floating point value f from its string representation s
147 |
Create string t from string s, keeping only ASCII characters
148 |
Read a list of integer numbers from the standard input, until EOF.
150 |
Remove the last character from the string p, if this character is a forward slash /
152 |
Create string s containing only the character c.
153 |
Create the string t as the concatenation of the string s and the integer i.
155 |
Delete from filesystem the file having path filepath.
157 |
Initialize a constant planet with string value "Earth".
160 |
Execute f32() if platform is 32-bit, or f64() if platform is 64-bit.
This can be either a compile-time condition (depending on target) or a runtime detection. |
161 |
Multiply all the elements of the list elements by a constant c
165 |
Assign to the variable x the last element of the list items.
166 |
Create the list ab containing all the elements of the list a, followed by all the elements of the list b.
167 |
Create the string t consisting of the string s with its prefix p removed (if s starts with p).
169 |
Assign to the integer n the number of characters of the string s.
Make sure that multibyte characters are properly handled. n can be different from the number of bytes of s. |
170 |
Set n to the number of elements stored in mymap.
This is not always equal to the map capacity. |
171 |
Append the element x to the list s.
172 |
Insert value v for key k in map m.
179 |
Return the center c of the rectangle with coördinates(x1,y1,x2,y2)
180 |
Create the list x containing the contents of the directory d.
x may contain files and subfolders. No recursive subfolder listing. |
189 |
Produce a new list y containing the result of the function T applied to all elements e of the list x that match the predicate P.
190 |
Declare an external C function with the prototype
void foo(double *a, int n); and call it, passing an array (or a list) of size 10 to a and 10 to n. Use only standard features of your language. |
191 |
Given a one-dimensional array a, check if any value is larger than x, and execute the procedure f if that is the case
197 |
Retrieve the contents of file at path into a list of strings lines, in which each element is a line of the file.
200 |
Compute the hypotenuse h of the triangle where the sides adjacent to the square angle have lengths x and y.
205 |
Read an environment variable with the name "FOO" and assign it to the string variable foo. If it does not exist or if the system does not support environment variables, assign a value of "none".
209 |
Declare a type t which contains a string s and an integer array n with variable size, and allocate a variable v of type t. Allocate v.s and v.n and set them to the values "Hello, world!" for s and [1,4,9,16,25], respectively. Deallocate v, automatically deallocating v.s and v.n (no memory leaks).
211 |
Create the folder at path on the filesystem
212 |
Set the boolean b to true if path exists on the filesystem and is a directory; false otherwise.
220 |
Create t consisting of 3 values having different types.
Explain if the elements of t are strongly typed or not. |
222 |
Set i to the first index in list items at which the element x can be found, or -1 if items does not contain x.
223 |
Loop through list items checking a condition. Do something else if no matches are found.
A typical use case is looping through a series of containers looking for one that matches a condition. If found, an item is inserted; otherwise, a new container is created. These are mostly used as an inner nested loop, and in a location where refactoring inner logic into a separate function reduces clarity. |
Alternative implementation:
224 |
Insert the element x at the beginning of the list items.
225 |
Declare an optional integer argument x to procedure f, printing out "Present" and its value if it is present, "Not present" otherwise
Alternative implementation:
226 |
Remove the last element from the list items.
237 |
Assign to c the result of (a xor b)
238 |
Write in a new byte array c the xor result of byte arrays a and b.
a and b have the same size. |
239 |
Assign to string x the first word of string s consisting of exactly 3 digits, or the empty string if no such match exists.
A word containing more digits, or 3 digits as a substring fragment, must not match. |
242 |
Call a function f on each element e of a set x.
243 |
Print the contents of the list or array a on the standard output.
244 |
Print the contents of the map m to the standard output: keys and values.
245 |
Print the value of object x having custom type T, for log or debug.
247 |
Remove all the elements from list x that don't satisfy the predicate p, without allocating a new list.
Keep all the elements that do satisfy p. For languages that don't have mutable lists, refer to idiom #57 instead. |
251 |
Extract integer value i from its binary string representation s (in radix 2)
E.g. "1101" -> 13 |
252 |
Assign to the variable x the string value "a" if calling the function condition returns true, or the value "b" otherwise.
254 |
Replace all exact occurrences of "foo" with "bar" in the string list x
256 |
Print the numbers 5, 4, ..., 0 (included), one line per number.
260 |
Declare a new list items of string elements, containing zero elements
266 |
Assign to the string s the value of the string v repeated n times, and write it out.
E.g. v="abc", n=5 ⇒ s="abcabcabcabcabc" |
271 |
If a variable x passed to procedure tst is of type foo, print "Same type." If it is of a type that extends foo, print "Extends type." If it is neither, print "Not related."
272 |
Fizz buzz is a children's counting game, and a trivial programming task used to affirm that a programmer knows the basics of a language: loops, conditions and I/O.
The typical fizz buzz game is to count from 1 to 100, saying each number in turn. When the number is divisible by 3, instead say "Fizz". When the number is divisible by 5, instead say "Buzz". When the number is divisible by both 3 and 5, say "FizzBuzz" |
275 |
From the string s consisting of 8n binary digit characters ('0' or '1'), build the equivalent array a of n bytes.
Each chunk of 8 binary digits (2 possible values per digit) is decoded into one byte (256 possible values). |
276 |
Insert an element e into the set x.
277 |
Remove the element e from the set x.
Explains what happens if e was already absent from x. |
278 |
Read one line into the string line.
Explain what happens if EOF is reached. |
280 |
Remove all the elements from the map m that don't satisfy the predicate p.
Keep all the elements that do satisfy p. Explain if the filtering happens in-place, i.e. if m is reused or if a new map is created. |
284 |
Create a new list a (or array, or slice) of size n, where all elements are integers initialized with the value 0.
285 |
Given two floating point variables a and b, set a to a to a quiet NaN and b to a signalling NaN. Use standard features of the language only, without invoking undefined behavior.
288 |
Set the boolean b to true if the set x contains the element e, false otherwise.
289 |
Create the string s by concatenating the strings a and b.
294 |
Given an array a containing the three values 1, 12, 42, print out
"1, 12, 42" with a comma and a space after each integer except the last one. |
295 |
Given the enumerated type T, create a function TryStrToEnum that takes a string s as input and converts it into an enum value of type T.
Explain whether the conversion is case sensitive or not. Explain what happens if the conversion fails. |
299 |
Write a line of comments.
This line will not be compiled or executed. |
302 |
Given the integer x = 8, assign to the string s the value "Our sun has 8 planets", where the number 8 was evaluated from x.
313 |
Set b to true if the maps m and n have the same key/value entries, false otherwise.
314 |
Set all the elements in the array x to the same value v
320 |
Set b to true if the string s is empty, false otherwise
322 |
326 |
Assign to t the number of milliseconds elapsed since 00:00:00 UTC on 1 January 1970.
343 |
Rename the file at path1 into path2